Brief scan of projects & project clean up

Table of Contents

1. Previous 3 Days

I've installed Haskell, Hakyll, and started learning the language. Hakyll is set up with github pages in a very basic, barely functioning state. Haskell knowledge is progressing and I've completed a few different tutorials.

2. Goal Progress

From my first blog on day 1:

  1. Learning more about the functional programming paradigm - From Day 2 (and really everyday) I'm continuing to learn more about the paradigm and applying it specifically to my own style of imperative programming I've learned.
  2. Xmonad tiling windows manager - Have not began this but wanted to drop the link for future Russell's reference - Xmonad Install Page
  3. Better at literate programming - really vague and sounds like a value goal instead of a goal outcome. To clarify a bit more, I'd like for my personal config files to be in a literate programming format and that compiles to my dot config files.
  4. Offensive security applications - I have no idea what is possible here yet, the first application that comes to mind would be a dropper but sounds like Future Russell's problem

3. Clean Up

The blog is rough and that is what I'm going to focus on today, trying to get under the hood of hakyll enough to make the apperance, less rough.

4. Note on 2022-11-25

This was rewritten in org, then exported to html to maintain the consistent look. As part of that, hakyll is no longer used, and I never really got it working either.

Date: 2022-11-04

Author: Russell Brinson

Created: 2022-11-25 Fri 10:40
