Learning More Emacs

Table of Contents

1. Emacs Cheat Sheet

During this round of trying to use emacs more, I decided to take physical notes on a few sheets a paper. This was a great reference to me (and will probably continue as I learn more modes). I transfered to a digital format using org mode, and making available to all. These have been what I've used the most for the past few weeks. Then to solidify my understand, converted it into a .org file and published as the org-cheatsheet html page.

2. Taking on Org Mode for Productivity

I'm not jumping into Org-roam just yet but it is probably around the corner. I'm looking at putting the structure in place for my projects and next actions. The GTD way would have the next actions organized by context, but I always found that I needed the next actions by their project or horizon (or area if you are following P.A.R.A.). With Org agenda views and basic tasks options, this should be easy to accomplish. Ultimately, I'm looking at recreating something like the Pillars Pipelines and Vaults that August Bradely uses in notion. While I like notion, I never can shake the feeling that it is non-free software which drives me away from it eventually.

I'll need to put more systems design thought into this but my rough draft idea right now:

  • keep most emacs files in a few short places like ~/org for documents, notes, and learnings, ~/projects for code projects that have git commits to this (question for anyone do you normally keep your git repos in your main org-mode directory, so your TODOs automatically are picked up in your projects?)
  • Organize by P.A.R.A. and have this backed up somehow, I'm thinking git since it is all text, but git repos within git repos sounds weird (if I move my ~/projects above into ~/org/projects).
  • Create a project template and next action workflow on paper with shortcuts for reference

3. Next Up for Haskell Learnings

Since the cheatsheet and adoption of emacs this time has gone so well, I'm just now picking back up Haskell and my first task is to use Literate Programming to pass variables into the Haskell code. From here, adding up everything and comparing to another column of data. This will be the basis of learning for my monthly budget org template.

4. Updated 2023-01-08

Updated emacs cheatsheet link to the new location, as well as clarified it is an emacs cheatsheet and not an Org cheatsheet.

Date: 2022-11-22

Author: Russell Brinson

Created: 2023-01-08 Sun 15:35
